Diwali art northeast schools
Diwali art northeast schools
Diwali art northeast schools. JammiArt has over a decade’s experience working with primary and secondary schools across the North-East of England.
The classes have been praised for their unique take on the pupils’ religious and cultural education through the engaging artistic activities.
JammiArt hopes to develop children’s understanding of diverse cultures by allowing them to have fun and be creative. The service is specifically tailored for each school’s facilities and requirements – but a high-quality experience is always guaranteed!
School visits – Diwali art northeast schools
Download and complete the corresponding booking form before emailing it to info@jammiartacademy.co.uk
Chinese New Year

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RE/Interfaith Day

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Diverse/World Art Day

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Famous Artists and their Masterpieces

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About Jammi Art – Diwali art northeast schools
JammiArt is a UK-based provider of both online and in-person art lessons and workshops for all ages, which aims to teach a multitude of artistic techniques from various cultures around the world.
To learn more about the booking process for school visits and workshops, visit the schools page. To make an individual inquiry, visit our contact page.
Artists Bio – Jayamini de Silva
Jayamini de Silva is an artist and trained visual arts teacher based in the North-East of England. She was born in Galle Sri Lanka and migrated to the United Kingdom in 2004, where she founded JammiArt with the aim to enrich people’s understanding of worldwide cultures through the often overlooked medium of art. She later established JammiArt Academy to continue her work during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Jayamini had primary and secondary education in Sri Lanka and entered the University of Kelaniya to study Fine Arts, whereupon she was awarded a government scholarship from the People’s Republic of China to study Chinese Language and Chinese Art in Beijing, 1994. After graduating she was attached to the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka as an assistant lecturer in Chinese Language and then at the University of Peradeniya as a senior Lecturer in Fine Arts. She holds her Master’s degree in art conservation from the University of Northumbria, UK.
After settling down for a number of years to start a family, she decided to rekindle her passion for teaching and formed a self-titled organisation named “JammiArt” in 2010. Since then she has predominantly worked with schools, delivering various multicultural art workshops to their pupils, but continues to provide services for all age groups, including both one-to-one lessons and group sessions.
Jayamini also exhibits her work locally and internationally – with a number of pieces being permanent staples of cafés, galleries, and private owners’ houses around the world.
To see more of Jayamini’s work please visit our Gallery Pages here
Contact Us – Diwali art northeast schools

Book a workshop
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